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Automatic Writings and Verses channelled thru

Alan R J Moffitt

from Above and Beyond

A ORIGINAL VERSE channelled from spirit


 Alan R J Moffitt Dspooky1nz

Feel free to share but   cannot be use for commercial  gain.




Thee, spiritual essence of Mt Taranaki is forever present,

No matter from what view your eyes feast upon from the Kilometres out at sea

From the skies above and lands below and beyond,

Even when mist, rain, clouds and the black of night block it from sight,

Or if in another part of the land or world at large you do choose to be,

The essence of its presence and its hue,

Is still able to flow throughout the universe at large to reach you,

Unseen as it shall be,

It will encumbrance and fulfil you with the comfort and peace of mind

that you seek,

The refreshing presence of the everlasting essence and positive

energy that emits from deep within its sleeping volcano will make you

 glow and warm within.

But did you know experts have predicted that within the next 150 years give or take a few thousand days,

The sleeping giant Mt Taranaki will awake with a rumble and a hiss and a roar,

Then steam and rocks and molten lava together with ash will spew

Forth, from deep within its rock and earthen shell,

For thousands of feet into the sky the ash will spurt to drift with the

 winds up high for hundreds of kilometres over the land and sea and

throughout the universe and then slowly fall down to earth or oceans and seas below,

Meanwhile the red hot glowing lava shall flow over the ice and freshly

fallen snow,

Down the mountain sides it will go moving fast and sometimes slow

Destroying, all nature and manmade structures that block its way,

As it cools the lava will turn to solid rock creating a very barren landscape,

With some lava reaching into the Tasman Sea before it also solidifies.

As the heated lava meets the cold of the ocean waves the steam will

rise kilometres into the skies to once again disperse through the universe.

And with new and vigorous life the spiritual essence of this awoken


Will continued to flow around the universe for all to

experience and for some to see.




Alan R J Moffitt DSPOOKY1NZ WORDS OF WISDOM Channelled  FROM ABOVE AND BEYOND  in January FOR 2015 but still relevant to many of you today.


Many of you  at the present are,  at a very low energy level  with many issues and confusion happening within  yourselves or love ones and friends. (some,  would say they are depressed. we in the realm of spirit say  you are in a  low energy dimension which in many cases is  to related to a in balance of your earthly and spiritual energies.


Some signs of being in what we call a transition mode from one dimension to that of a more blended earth and spiritual dimension are, and some of you may have been experiencing these things recently or for many, many moons past.

Have you been more exhausted around 2pm to 3pm each day regardless of the time zone you live in ?

Have your been awakening usually after a few hours deep sleep around 1am to 4 am and often need to visit the powder room, If yes this means that you have been going for a rebalancing or realignment of frequencies during the deep sleep and the need to visit the powder room is solely to release toxins, both chemical and blockages re past issues that have stop the balancing process to be completed. You may also have been experiencing some health issues or aches and pains some old ones resurfacing and some you may never have experienced before.  Again this is part of releasing the old energies to allow the new to flow freely within the very essence of your mind body and soul.


With the first full moon of 2015 behind you many may have or are stilled locked in the lower energy dimension , but this is solely up to each individual to decide when to move to a more positive dimension to allow new pathways and doorways of opportunity to open for you.

Also during this  time you might not realised it but yourself extreme and confidence have started to recover and grow stronger despite all the negative issues you have encounter along the earth journey this lifetime and in particular the past 3 months.  Using the favourite words  of Dspooky1nz re this area, many of you have told people to go sit on a pineapple and rotate, a crude way of  saying  your negativity is holding me back  at the moment I no longer require negativity in my life, Hopefully you had a good old healing belly laugh at the above comment releasing some of the negative residues from issues past.  Any blockages or negative issues you release will be captured within a spiritual balloon and sent automatically to the spiritual compost bin for recycling into positive energy.

It is common belief that one should forgive those that have wronged them before they can move forward , this is not the belief of those above and beyond that channel thru Dspooky1nz.  It is our belief that been forced or advised to forgive can often cause more emotional stress than the original incident , only you and no one else knows how any issue affected you even if others have experienced similar no issue is exactly a DNA twin.  We asked you to ask forgiveness from within for the negative memories that have blocked your pathway forward and the you don’t block them from your memory ( many times a day we are reminded of negatives that happened to us via, media of many kinds and gossip merchants, and back stabbing friends), asked that that strength of the memories lesson enough to allow them to surface in times ahead without affecting any more than a shiver which you can and shall release within seconds or a day or two at most.

Please bare, in mind that no matter what negative events or issues you are experiencing there are millions of others in a worst position, than you.


From,  every negative situation you will encounter at least one or more positives, identify these positives  at the time if you can, then embrace them and move forward allowing new doorways  and pathways of opportunities to  present themselves to you.  Many will not realise until days, months or even years later if a certain negative had not of happened you would not  have achieved things or followed the pathways you have. So take a moment of time, look back on your life and identify at least one negative that turned into at least one positive. (then in may have turned into another type of negative and then a positive and so forth an so forth.

 As the above waffle may have resulted in removal of remaining blockages from the past and present    within your mind , body and soul ,we request  that to assist with  the final stages of blending your earthly anew spiritual energies into a new more positive and very fast moving dimension as new opportunities and changes are offered or happen simultaneously  you do the following things,  change your bed linen before next sleep time, shower or have a bath then rinse of under running water and change into fresh clothing unless you sleep in your birth day suit (naked) .  You should have a very deep and even long sleep then a visit to the powder room. Some may experience some aches, pains, flu or minor health issues over the next forty eight hours but it is part of the balancing process came next Tuesday evening or next Thursday noon   you should be in a better space.


With that new confidence and self, esteem that many of you have activated without realising it over  days, months  past you have not hesitated when making major decisions and have made them based on what you inner being says or feels is right for you and not what you think others want you to do . 

 If the above waffle allows even one person to release their blockages and move forward them that’s positive, Some will think what a load of old, crock and at your choice remain locked in the lower negative direction, well it’s your freewill to do so but don’t expect others that accept this posting and want to  move forward to stay with or alongside you while you stay in a earth looked frequency.


Now is the time to   discard the old you and embrace the new you.

Alan R J Moffitt Dspooky1nz and others from above and beyond.







In the spirit realm a decision was made that a spirit soul shall return to the earth plane below,

The heavens released raindrops and snowflakes and down they fell to land upon the mountains and region around Lake Taupo,


Upon the earth plane in their comfort zone two persons join as one and a human conception is now complete.

The rain and the melting snows flow into the many streams and rivers that feed Lake Taupo, and allows a conception of old and new waters to take place.

After nine months in the woman’s womb the merging of the spiritual and physical substances is complete and from that womb a baby is born and a new journey and life upon earth begins.

Sometime later the flood gates of Lake Taupo open and the fresh waters  are delivered into the entrance of the Waikato River completing the birthing process and allowing it to commence a 432 kilometre journey to the Tasman Sea.

The newborn child for the first few months does mainly sleep and when awake takes nourishment to give it strength to carry it on its chosen path.

The waters flow down the widening river from the point of birth towards the narrow gorge above the Huka Falls.

The baby into a child grows, learning to speak, think for itself and walk and  run and  to even count its own toes,

The water gathers much momentum and rushes into the rock lined gorge and then tumbles down the face of the Huka Falls falling into  the whirlpool that lays deep below .

The child on earth continues to grow and to learn many lessons of life and faces new challenges upon awakening on the dawning of each new day.

The waters in the River Waikato leave the whirlpool at great speed and continue on their journey to the first of many manmade holding dams that lay ahead.

The child’s learning continues at a more leisurely pace and for a period of time, may even stagnate just like the waters when they reach each holding dam.

The waiting waters at predetermined quantities and times are released to drive the big hydro turbines from which power to the main grid is produced and then on it flows to the next holding dam on the journey to the Tasman Sea.

The child a teenager becomes followed by a young adult

and then in most cases many decades of adulthood lie ahead,

 Whilst at the same time it could become a cousin and Aunty and Uncle a

parent, grandparent a friend or foe to many persons of this earth below the

universe at large.

They chose this journey filled with positive and negative experiences some

happy some very sad some shared with laughter and sometimes anger but

to name a few.

 Just like their human counterparts the waters of the Waikato River

continue on their journey.

 Sometimes at very slow pace and sometimes very fast and turbulent the

water flows, when negotiating rapids and then once again a period of calm

awaits behind the wall of the next hydro dam.

Back on earth each human being is given much sound and sometimes misleading advice of the journeys and pathways they should take.

Using their commonsense and freewill they will sometimes make a decision that causes then to stray from their destined path with often a dead end blocking the way.  

So they must turn around they must and retrace their steps until they either rejoin life’s main pathway once again or if the lesson is not yet learnt another diversion may lay ahead.

Often this detour is via way of a  just a smaller path that rejoins the main pathway  either back or forward of the point where they went astray.

The human scenario is not alone for often the waters of the Waikato River also stray from the main flow.

The water can reach dead ends up creeks and streams and either return via

a backward wash or diverting into another channel or creek rejoining the

main river flow further downstream.

At some stage later on in life the sprit body and soul separate from the

physical one they shared on earth and death occurs leaving an lifeless

shell. The spirit wanders the heavens above awaiting for the call to return

to earth in a new human shell.

The waters of the Waikato River continue their 432 kilometre until they

reach the Tasman Sea and  finally they disperse and blend  with the salt

water of the sea to become at one with all the oceans of the world

evaporating one day to join the rainclouds in the sky and hence becoming

raindrops or snowflakes once again.

What is, the moral behind, the above waffle of words, you may well ask!.

Well it is simple my friends and readers ,for if we but compare each

experience we encounter both good or bad with something from nature

then often we will appreciate the experience more and allow our eyes to

open and view the real world that lays beyond the blinkers we often choose

to wear.













There is a saying that, sticks and stones may break/hurt my bones. But names/words will never hurt me.

How far from the truth the above words really are.

Yes, sticks and stones may hurt us or even break our bones. Yet in time the bruises fade away and in many cases the bones mend and we regain partial or full use of them once more.

For varying periods of time with physical injuries there is pain and stress and often we receive care, love, and support from family and friends and medical staff.

Now lets return to the words But names/words will never hurt me.

So far removed from the truth are the above seven words, are they not.

For constant use of names and words from one person or group of persons can cause permanent, unrepairible emotional damage to the person or persons to whom they are directed

If the same or similar words/suggestions are repeted over and over again over a period of time the person/persons on the receiving end will begin to believe that that what they are been told is in fact correct or must have some truth to it. Thus, they then start to doubt their abilities and their confidence and self esteem slowly lessons or disappears completely and they retreat into their owner inner world  shutting themselves of from reality resulting in long term or permanent emotional damage or  stress to mind and body and their soul, not to mentioned stress and worry and sometimes embrassement to others.

Whilst we cannot see the emotional pain a person is suffering, we can often experience the side effects it creates such as:

Erratic behaviour.

Lack of faith, and trust in others.

Non existing confidence , and no self esteem.

Unknown aliments, and distress.

Now a very withdrawn person when once they were so outgoing.

Loss or increase of weight and erratic changes to their eating habits.

They no longer care to wash or to how they look and what they wear.




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